- The Broken Brain Podcast: Fascia- the connective tissue that keeps us healthy with Dr. Shalini Bhat. Dive into the fascinating world of fascia and its crucial role in maintaining health and preventing pain
- Radiolab: The Interstitium Episode 550. Explore the discovery of the interstitium and its implications for our understanding of the body’s connective tissues.
Recommended Reading
- Myofascial Release: Healing Ancient Wounds by John F. Barnes An in-depth look at the principles and practices of myofascial release therapy.
- Touching Light by Ronelle Wood Discover the power of touch and its impact on healing and well-being.
- What’s in Your Web? by Phil Tavolacci, MSPT, PT A comprehensive guide to understanding fascia and its role in musculoskeletal health.
- Comprehensive Myofascial Self Treatment: Your Guide to Authentic Healing and Pain Relief by Joyce Patterson, PT Learn self-treatment techniques to alleviate pain and improve mobility.
- The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, MD. An exploration of trauma’s impact on the body and mind, and innovative treatments for recovery.
- Waking the Tiger by Peter A. Levine. A groundbreaking approach to understanding and healing trauma through body awareness.
- The Biology of Belief: The Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles by Bruce Lipton. Insights into how our beliefs and consciousness influence our biology and health.
- Breathe: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor. Discover the transformative power of proper breathing techniques for health and wellness.